High Street
Above photo 1865, showing the "Marquis" on the left. |
I have found reference to this pub in the census of 1861. However, I also
know of another pub called the "Old
Granby" and believe this to be one and the same. I also have
reference to a "Granby
and Royal Bowman."
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 23 June 1772.
To be sold by auction, by Mr. John Smith, at the "George Inn" at
Sittingbourne in the County of Kent, on Monday the 17th day of July
next, and the 6 following days (Saturday excepted.)
All the Post Chaises, Post Coach, Horses, Household Furniture, Plate,
Linen, China, a large Quantity of Wine, Brandy, Rum and other effects,
late belonging to Joseph Jones, a bankrupt; and also the Lease of the
said Inn, with the Appurtenances thereto belonging, for the remainder of
a term of 14 years, whereof there were 12 years unexpired at Lady-day
The Goods to be viewed the Friday and Saturday before the day of sale,
and catalogues may be had, after the 1st of July, at the "George Inn" at
the Borough of Southwark, at the "Marquis of Granby" at Dartford, at the
"Crown" at Rochester, at the "Mitre" at Chatham, at the "Ship" at Queenborough, at the "Dolphin" at Faversham, at the "Antwerp" at Dover,
at the "Saracens Head" at Ashford, at the "Fountain," the "Red Lion,"
and "Kings Head" at Canterbury, at the "Star Inn" at Maidstone, at the
"Dover Castle" at Greenstreet, at the "George" and "White Hart" at
Milton, at the "Green Lion" at Rainham, at the
"George," and "Red Lyon," at Sittingbourne, and of Mr. John Smith, Auctioneer, at
Kentish Gazette 14 May 1802.
A few days since died, Mr. Syllabourn, at the "Granby Inn,"
Kentish Independent, Saturday, 22 May 1847.
William Mitchell, landlord of the "Marquis of Granby," near the church,
was charged with harbouring persons of known bad character at his house
on Friday the 11th instant.
The offence was proved by Police-constable Brandon, and Mitchell fined
40s. and costs 8d, which were paid.
Kentish Gazette, 16 March 1852.
An interesting ploughing match came off on Wednesday, in a field
belonging to R. Wilkes, Esq., adjoining Dartford-brent, between two
sporting landlords of Dartford, viz. Mr. John Smith, of the "Marquis of
Granby Inn," and Mr. James Townsend, of the "Bull Inn tap," for half a
sovereign aside and a supper to plough for the straightest furrow. The
work was excellently performed. The umpires were unable to decide, when
an old and experienced farmer, Mr. Lucas, a stranger to both parties,
was passing, and was called in; his decision was that Mr. Smith's was
the smoothest work, and Mr. Townsend's the straightest furrow; the
latter was consequently declared the winner.
South Eastern Gazette, 18 October 1853.
Petty Sessions, Saturday. (Before Sir P. H. Dyke, Bart, J. Malcolm,
O. Smith, H. Johnston, and J. Chapman, Esqrs.)
Edward Bowlar and Mary, his wife, were charged with stealing a
shawl and other articles, belonging to Mary Ann McDonald, on the
12th inst., at Dartford. The parties are Irish, and were sleeping at
the "Granby" public-house on the night in question, in the same
room. They were apprehended by police-constable Ovenden, who found
some of the articles in a bag belonging to the prisoners, and others
on the person of the female prisoner.
Committed for trial.
POTTER Edward pre 1821

WOOD Letitia 1828+

MACKRELL George 1832+

MITCHEL William 1847+
SMITH John 1852+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34